Tuesday, February 15, 2011

While walking along the outskirts of University at Buffalo's South Campus, it might be easy to bypass a white trailer called "Hayes Annex C." Inside, there may be a broken vending machine and vacant offices, but at the end of a fluorescent white hallway, SBI Health Education is there, at your service.

Inside, I found Nicole Sweeney, who was more than willing to explain the many services this office has. She's been at this office for over 2 years as Assistant Director.

First of all, it is a sexual health education office, so of course there are free condoms. But on top of that, there are many educational services Nicole informed me of, such as workshops like STI Jeopardy and Sex in the Dark, where a peer educator will answer any anonymous questions students may have. They also offer counseling services for pregnancy and STI testing, as well as women's health sessions to help female students prepare for their first gynecological exam.

Nicole, however, specializes in the office's SBI Safety Services. This includes nightly walk stations in the Capen Library on North Campus and the Health Sciences Library on South. Their motto is "So You Don't Have to Walk Alone." This also includes a night-time Safety Shuttle so you don't have to leave a party alone or so you can be picked up from work when you don't have a car. She oversees all of the volunteers, stipend staff and community service students.

These services not only protect students from being robbed, but also from being sexually assaulted. That is why Nicole is involved in rape prevention. She helps with the office's events surrounding sexual and domestic violence, such as Spring semester's V-Day Campaign, which raises money to stop violence against women and girls, and Fall semester's Take Back the Night, a march down Main St. to stop domestic and sexual violence. In the office recently, many volunteers and interns have been making "Vagina Pops," which are chocolate lollipops shaped like...well, vaginas. They sell for $1, and are raising money for SBI Safety Services and the women and girls of Haiti, as part of the V-Day Campaign, which includes "The Vagina Monologues," Eve Ensler's award-winning play, and "A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer."

To catch more details on Nicole's job and other aspects of SBI Health Education, check out the "video" below.

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